What is a cookie?
A cookie is a file that unburdens itself in its computer on having gained access to certain web pages. The cookies allow to a web page, between other things, to store and recover information about the habits of navigation of a user or of its team and, depending on the information that they contain and of the form in which it uses its team, they can be used to recognize the user.
What types of cookies does it use www.EVOTECSHOP.com?
According to the term of time that they remain active the cookies can be:
• Meeting Cookies: designed to obtain and to store information while the user gains access to a web page. They usually use to store information that only is of interest to preserve for the service of service requested by the user in only one occasion (for example, a list of acquired products).
• Persistent Cookies: There are a type of cookies by which the information remains stored in the terminal and one can gain access to them and to be treated during a definite period. They have date of erasure. They are used for example in the process of buy or record to avoid to have to introduce our information constantly.
According to whom is it the entity that there manages the team or domain where from the cookies are sent and treats the information that are obtained, we can distinguish:
• Proper Cookies: They are those that are sent to the device of the user managed exclusively by us for the best functioning of the place.
• Cookies of third: They are those that are sent to the device of the user from a team or domain that is not managed by us but by another entity, which will treat the obtained information.
When you sail for www.EVOTECSHOP.com the following cookies can settle in your device:
• Record Cookies: When the user enters our web and initiates meeting a proper and temporary cookie settles so that it could sail along its user's area without having to introduce its information continuously. This cookie will disappear when it closes meeting.
• Analysis Cookies: They serve to study the behavior of the users of anonymous form on having sailed along our web. This way we will be able to know the most seen contents, the number of visitors, etc. An information that we will use to improve the navigation experience and to optimize our services. They can be own but also of third. Between the above mentioned there are the cookies of Google Analytics and those of Iadvice.
• Advertizing Cookies of third: The target is to optimize the exhibition of commercials. To manage these services we use the platform of Doubleclick of Google that stores information about the announcements that have been showed to a user, which he is interested in and if he visits the web of the advertiser.
Configuration, consultation and defusing of cookies
You can allow, block or eliminate the cookies installed in its team by means of the configuration of the options of the navigator installed
• Chrome, from http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=es&answer=95647
• Safari, from http://support.apple.com/kb/ph5042
• Explorer, from http://windows.microsoft.com/es-es/windows7/how-to-manage-cookies-in-internet-explorer-9
• Firefox, from http://support.mozilla.org/es/kb/habilitar-y-deshabilitar-cookies-que-los-sitios-we
Everything relative to the cookies of Google, both analytical and advertizing, as well as its administration and configuration can be consulted in:
If he decides to disable the Cookies we will not be able to offer him any of our services how, for example, to remain identified or to maintain the buys in its cart.
Cookies update
The cookies of www.EVOTECSHOP.com can be updated by what we advise to check our politics of periodic form.
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